Wednesday, December 30, 2009

EPIC First Ever Thirteenth Annual Photography Contest

A copy of these rules as well as the Official Entry Forms and the Entry Submissions Box is located just inside the door at EPIC .



1) One entry per participant

2) Anyone may enter, including current and previous members of the EPIC staff.

3) All entries must be in SNAPSHOT form, *not* TEXTURE. The idea being that we're looking for the best photographer, not the best post-production photoshop guru.

4) All entries must be submitted by January 15th, 2010. Entries must be placed in the submission box attached to an Official Entry Form at the contest site to be considered for the contest. Any entries sent directly to Tenyene Beaumont are subject to being lost by Linden Labs while she is offline or in Busy Mode. DO NOT send your entries directly. Please. Just "no".

5) Voting will take place between January 16th and January 31st, 2010. Submissions MUST be copy/mod/transfer so that they may be put up for general display. Entries may be any size up to 1024 x 1024. For pictures not having a 1:1 aspect ratio, please add the original resolution to the snapshot description or list it somewhere on the Official Entry Form.

6) Lindens will serve as votes for the respective entries. The photo receiving the most total votes (linden) as of MIDNIGHT, February 1st, 2010 will be declared the winner. The final prizes will be adjusted upward in proportion to the number of votes received (minus a minimal 10% house fee), see list of prizes below.


The only restriction is that since EPIC is by and large a breast fetish club, the subject of the photo should reflect that in some recognizable form, though final interpretation will be left to the individual photographer


1st Prize: 1000L + 50% of adjusted linden vote total. 1st Prize also guarantees the winner an opportunity to have a photoshoot with any EPIC Staff member of their choosing published in the first issue of "EPIC - The Magazine" to be published by the end of February 2010.

2nd Prize: 500L + 25% of adjusted linden vote total.

3rd Prize: 250L + 15% of adjusted linden vote total.

4th Prize: 100L + 10% of adjusted linden vote total.


Disclaimer: I may have forgotten or omitted something from these rules. In the event that the rules need to be ammended, EPIC Management will make every good faith effort to honor the contest prizes and maintain a fair, competitive environment for all entries.


Best of luck, and get busy with those snapshots.

Tenyene Beaumont
Owner, EPIC

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